The Bronx is the Greenest Borough

These pieces are part of a new group show with New Media Art Space called, "Grounding." When I read the open call for submitting works to this show I was a bit miffed at the idea of a show about grounding particularly since my work is kind of edgy. I ended up responding to the call with a bit of irony. In doing the research for this piece I discovered the following quote:

“The Bronx is New York City’s greenest borough—24% of the borough is considered parkland—yet environmentalists say that much of its green space is consolidated in large parks on the periphery of the borough, which are difficult to access for many residents." BronxTimes 12/9/2022

This led me to want to address the inequities highlighted in the above quote through the show. They liked it! So I created this little film of my commute with audio by DJ Joe Kay, which is my typical experience riding into the city.

I ended up developing this painting in tandem with the film. It's called, "Overgrowth." I feel this piece refers to the tenuous relationship between mankind and nature, reflected in climate crises. This image is of a post human moment. Whether or not we can coexist, it is grounding to know the earth will ultimately heal itself.

This painting is available for purchase. For more information click here:


Sacred Land

