Untitled (Red Woman)

This piece was experimental and actually a project that I developed in an art class where I was introduced to GAC-400, a fabric stiffener. I draped this GAC saturated red fabric over the legs of a seated mannequin in effort to create a "birth squat" position, and after the material dried, I removed the legs and was left with this shell. I was thinking about experiences of women while creating it, including menstruation, birth, miscarraige and abortion. It has a ghost-like, or perhaps divine aspect to it. Without an armature, a work like this is ephemeral and will deteriorate, which is an important element in this piece as well. I recreated this work for my first professional group show in 2018 at the Rush Arts Corridor Gallery in Brooklyn, called, "An Ode to Healing—A Poetic Exhibition for Those in Recovery." It doesn't currently exist but is able to be recreated for future exhibition.

To learn more about the work and/or get in touch with the artist, click here:


Sacred Waters 2: When They Took Us


Generations (For Karen)